Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Your ARP Progress

I reset the publishing date on this post from 19 April to today just to push it to the top of your blog feed Adam. Just getting concerned about the timeline here Adam.

Below is a summary of your progress with Your ARP Adam. This is just intended as a handy guide for you, me and the course facilitators. Your ARP is located in Google Docs HERE

Please note that Stage 3, the data collecting, needs to be completed by May 1 and the ARP submitted two weeks later.

Your Big Question Iterations:

1. How do I become more effective in my change leadership?
2. Using your eConfidence self assessment survey results, and given the short timeline for this ARP something more specific would be more informative for you, I made a couple of suggestions Adam:
What knowledge, skills and understandings do I need to inspire my colleagues, students and parents to value the place of digital technologies in teaching and learning? or What knowledge, skills and understandings do I need to effectively communicate, explain and defend my vision to my school community?

Your final Big Question: What knowledge, skills and understandings do I need to inspire my colleagues, students and parents to value the place of digital technologies in teaching and learning?

STAGEStage Due DateCurrent ProgressComments
1*27 MarchComplete (20/4)
227 MarchComplete (18/4)Make sure your timeline completes Stage 3 by May 1.
3*1 MayCompleted (17/5)Be sure that the data you are collecting addresses the Big question
48 MayCompleted (17/5)This week overlaps with your School ICT Change Plan. You need to be finished Stage 3 of your ARP before this week or it becomes quite a challenge to be doing both tasks.
5*17 MayCompleted (17/5)ARP due to be submitted to course facilitators

* Mentor feedback required before progressing

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